Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Racing for Girls

Last weekend saw yet another trip to support the boys and their toy car. Fortunately after 7 years of racing, the girls of Mad racing have now learnt how to give the boys the support they need.............

Last weekend saw Mel, Suz and Liz travelling to North Wales, Jo was doing her bit by helping Al calm his nerves Whilst he lay on his sunbed in the Mediterranean sunshine.

After spending a lovely romantic night at a little B&B in the Brecon Beacons with Des, we [Damn it - I never even noticed Liz and Suz at the B+B - Ed (Des)] drove up through Wales via snowdon (in the mist and rain) to arrive Thursday night at Mum and Dad's caravan in AberConwy (its 6 star..don't you know!!!) The evening was spent listening to romantic music in the cosy ambient atmosphere of the luxury static home enjoying a lovely glass of wine.....Then in burst Uncle Mike, JB and Liz, the time was 2am.

The boys left early whilst Liz and I thought about what to do over a leisurely breakfast overlooking the Snowdonia national park. Racing or stroll along the beach? Racing or stroll along the beach? It was a difficult decision but we felt that if we went racing, we would have been a distraction for the boys and that really wasn't fair so a gentle stroll along the beach it was. We had a lovely lunch in the marina watching the world go by with a beer in hand and then did some window shopping in the boutiques of Conwy. Prior to the stroll we did attempt to climb a mountain but as we were in sandals and Liz was getting married in 4 weeks we felt the risks were too great.

In the evening, the boys arrived back looking sweaty and smelling of engine oil. They were ushered immediately into the hot steamy clean shower to freshen up [not all at the same time - Ed]. Liz and I had gone to the effort of pampering ourselves in the spa so we felt it was only fair that the boys should make the effort as well.

We though about cooking a lovely meal for everyone but after our hard day we were just too tired. Suz arrived just in time to join us for a nice pub dinner in the snowdonia hills. We all were tucked up in our soft cosy horizontal beds fairly early that night as we all had had a very busy day.

Saturday morning was spent snoozing and lazing around enjoying the peace and quiet of the countryside. We made lunch and headed up to the race track to offer our support for U. Mike. After watching 1 race. (well done U. Mike) we ate cake and went to explore the local beach, just far enough away to hear the gentle rumble of engines. Our fine tuned ears were able to tell which was Mike's engine and so we were still able to support in spirit.

After sunning ourselves and paddling in the sea we headed back to the race track to check on the boys. The seemed OK so we felt that our presence was again causing distractions and the spa was calling, so we headed back to the caravan to spend the afternoon in the comfort of the spa. We did think about making dinner but unfortunately for the boys the bar was in the way of the caravan so we had to pop in and have a few beers. The boys arrived back, joined us for more few beers and then went off to buy us fish and chips. We spent the evening relaxing in front of the box and had an early night.

Sunday was a more active day for Liz and I, we hiked up the mountain, walked into Conwy and sunbathed on the beach.

Once again, thank you Mike for racing, I had a great weekend and looking forward the the next one (especially if it involves, luxury accommodation, sun sea and sand!)

Mel (Sole member of Des's fan club)
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Big Al said...

very nice article, esp the piccie, but this is a serious racing forum! I can't believe you ladyz weren't getting down with the spanners and the grease guns...

Erik Fairbairn said...

Are you suggesting that my post isn't serious!