It was to be Mike's first outing in Kermit and the weather was predicted to be rainy. And for once, unfortunately, the weather service was spot-on. As Mike arrived to bag a garage at 7.30, it was still raining and there was standing water around the circuit. Nerve racking to say the least when the car has near-slick tyres and the very fast right-hand Coram bend has just 15 metres of wet grass seperating the track from the barrier. Des, Al and JB arrived at 8.30 after not a lot of sleep at all, having constructed a tyre and jerry can rack for the trailer and got the car ready for its outing the previous night (and well into the early hours).
It was very quickly time for Mike to squeeze himself into the cockpit and take to the sodden track. With people spinning off due to the tricky conditions, there were red flags aplenty which punctuated the morning session. Mike did well to keep the car on the track after reporting the wheels spinning up when changing up from third to fourth gear on the straight! Loads of power...... and not a lot of grip. As the morning progressed, the track started to dry-out and Mike could finally start to experience what the car could offer in dry conditions, which is lots of speed and loats of grip.
With Des, Al and JB having continued to ensure the car was running sweetly throughout the day, the afternoon started dry and Mike got quicker and quicker round the circuit. This enabled a couple of tweeks to be made to the car, including the trial of a new under-skin, fabricated with precision and a tweek to the front spring rate. Then a short sharp shower mid-afternoon returned the track conditions to being somewhat tricky again. Still, Mike had experienced the car in all the conditions that an English spring could possibly throw at it which is great practice for his first race on April 5th and 6th at Lydden Hill in Kent. Hopefully Mad-racing will see you there.
Sunday, 30 March 2008
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
Snetterton. Again.
We have of course made a few key performance upgrades since the last outing:
* More stickers - Aero change, promotes early separation of the laminar boundry layer
* Moved E-Cut - Reduces polar moment of inertia, and improves turn in.
* Front underskin - adds weight to prevent car blowing away in the wind at Snetterton.
* Wheel Rack - Increases trailer centre of gravity, and promotes roll.
* Bump steer curve - No idea, but we did it twice to make sure we were sure.
So with all these changes, how will it go? Big Al set Uncle Mike a high bar of a gnats whisker under 1:20 in the dry, so what can Uncle Mike manage? Tune in on Friday to find out....
Back to work now........
Mad-Racing - the next google?
Ever wondered how many people view the Mad-Racing website? Well i'll tell you...... Its a frankly awsome 4 or 5 people per day! Eat that Google.
Our record ocured on the 17th March 2008 when barely believeable 20 people pointed their browser at the hallowed homepage of Mad-Racing.
Our record ocured on the 17th March 2008 when barely believeable 20 people pointed their browser at the hallowed homepage of Mad-Racing.
Monday, 17 March 2008
Sunday, 16 March 2008
Stormy Snetterton – Sunday 16th March
Varying weather reports through the week, had kept us guessing about what the 1st race day might bring…it’s been changing from sunshine, to wind, to rain, and back to sunshine again.
In terms of preparation, there have been a huge number of man hours thrown at the car since the last event (trackday on 1st March, only 2 weeks ago). The engine and gearbox have been out, gearbox rebuilt (thanks to Dave at Thames Transmissions), the front suspension has been stripped and fatigued parts replaced along with new bushes fitted, transponder has been fitted, headrest fabricated and fitted, the list is endless. On top of jobs relating to Kermit the Kitcar (or Mike Wizowsky as the northerner famous for allocating nicknames calls him), the trailer has needed work too, a new spare wheel, a puncture…..
Anywhoo, the team finally snuck into bed about midnight on Saturday, in preparation for a rude 5am alarm. Arriving at Snett on time, at a cool 0730, we pitched the new team tent – something of a challenge in the Force 5-6 gusting winds and rain and unpacked. Kermit flew through 0820 scrutineering, Des re-fueled the team with a healthy bacon and egg buttie, and things were looking good and ready to go for practice at 0915.
A phone call from Jo (Wife) to say that she, along with son Oliver would be leaving for Snetterton shortly with the aim of arriving for the race after lunch. Oliver, having obviously decided to cause some havoc had hidden Jo’s car and house keys, so that Jo had no option but to pass all her stuff for the day through the front window to friends, Mel, Lorraine and Liz and then having to climb out of the window as her only available exit!!! All the girls and Oliver arrived at Snetterton shortly after NCT friends Michael, Anthea and Elliott also arrived for the day’s activities.
So to the racing, well actually there wasn’t any. There was so much water at the bombhole, that it was deemed unsafe. Boo-hoo, so we all packed up, found ourselves a very nice and relaxed pub & traditional sunday lunch and then trundled all the way back to Essex, and the car didn’t turn a wheel in anger…
Roll on the 27th March for Uncle Mike’s track day at.....Snetterton (we're praying for better weather)...
Thanks to all that came along to support, and sorry for the poor track drainage at Snett is the first time for us in 7 years of racing that an event has been cancelled due to weather, so hopefully no more cancellations for another 7 yrs.
Anyway, off to bed now, Al
Saturday, 15 March 2008
Big Day Tomorrow!

The forecast is rain, but, back in his Locosting days, Big Al was a bit of a legend in the rain, but then again he has 70% more bhp to worry about this time.....
Check back tomorrow evening to see how we got on!
Wednesday, 12 March 2008
Stop Press - We've got no nipple covers...
How will life go on I hear you ask.....with no nipple covers, is it really safe to race on Sunday at Snetterton @ 1300?
Fortunately, the nipple covers referred to are only for the bleed screws on the front brakes, and so not a critical item in the scheme of things. We did feel the need to share this with you all - it made us laugh hysterically (like hyenas actually) at midnight last night, during our last minute preparations (actually car rebuild) for Sunday's race!! We've done loads, but there is still a healthy TTD list....
Those that are coming, see you Sunday, those that aren't - check the blog on Monday....
Cheers for now, Al
Fortunately, the nipple covers referred to are only for the bleed screws on the front brakes, and so not a critical item in the scheme of things. We did feel the need to share this with you all - it made us laugh hysterically (like hyenas actually) at midnight last night, during our last minute preparations (actually car rebuild) for Sunday's race!! We've done loads, but there is still a healthy TTD list....
Those that are coming, see you Sunday, those that aren't - check the blog on Monday....
Cheers for now, Al
Monday, 10 March 2008
Next event - Snetterton --16th March – Big Al driving…
Al takes on Snetterton on Sunday 16th March. We’ve drawn the short straw and are first into scrutineering and practice (0820 and 0900 respectively). Al’s race will be the 2nd race after lunch and is planned for 1300. Note that races can be brought forward, so leave some spare time in your travel plans. Map/Directions can be found at:- Snetterton Weather so far for Sunday looks ok and is not predicted to be as windy as on previous visits (fingers crossed). There are another 16 kit cars entered at the moment, with a good number being from the same class ”C” category, so competition should be strong.
After a good few hours of blood, sweat and tears, (re-building the gearbox, throttle assemblies, front suspension to mention a few of the bigger jobs) -- the car seems to be about ready to go!
I look forward to seeing some of you at the racetrack at Snetterton on Sunday, and will post the outcome to the website as soon as possible after the event. Remember to bring your picnics, and a windproof just in case!
Thanks in advance for your support, Al
After a good few hours of blood, sweat and tears, (re-building the gearbox, throttle assemblies, front suspension to mention a few of the bigger jobs) -- the car seems to be about ready to go!
I look forward to seeing some of you at the racetrack at Snetterton on Sunday, and will post the outcome to the website as soon as possible after the event. Remember to bring your picnics, and a windproof just in case!
Thanks in advance for your support, Al
Wednesday, 5 March 2008
MAD-Racing sponsored by Signs Express

Ever wondered why our new car look so much better than the old Locost? Well, we owe it all to
Signs Express. Following almost days and days of negotiation we have finally sealed a very exciting "Free Stickers" deal with Signs Express. The word in the paddock is that this deal breaks entirely new ground in the realms of motorsport sponsorship, and is almost certainly better than that Honda Earth Car rubbish.
So watch out for the Signs Express logos on our car, and should you ever meet any of the Signs Express team, please extend your thanks to them that the MAD-Racing car is so easy on the eye!
Lap time vote results
Okay, okay, okay, you have heard from Big Al what the car was like on our test day, but what you really want to know is the result of the "how fast will it go" vote.
While only 12% of you got it right, 50% of you got it very nearly right!
Big Al's best laptime was a 1:19.9
Now you can vote for our qualifying position on the 16th of March!
Monday, 3 March 2008
Snetterton Track Day – Damn that thing’s fast
Saturday 1st March saw the team travel to Snet, the first outing for any of us with Big Al behind the wheel of Kermit for an MSV trackday. Gale force winds through the night were of slight concern, but an arrival to Snet it wasn’t too bad, though we were all glad of a garage for shelter…
Kermit is fast, and not just a little bit fast, a lot fast! Heading into the first bend (Riches) off the start finish straight, everything goes into a bit of blur – the speed that you’re passing your surroundings, the G-force on your neck as the tyres literally bite into tarmac, and the strain on your eyes as you wait in anticipation to see if you have made your apex & then apex – quite a feeling – what a buzz!! The car is reaching 7200-7300rom in 5th heading into the Esses, we don’t know the speed yet, but is likely to be ~135mph (or maybe even higher) before diving onto the brakes for ~50mph chicane!!!
The car ran perfectly all morning, and the team (Mike, Des and JB) did a fantastic job of keeping Kermit ready for action, slipping in a few geometry changes to optimise the setup. A change to new tyres mid-morning gave a surprise as the wheels spun up in 3rd gear leaving the pits!! The release agent soon departed and back to normal grip levels again – Phew.
After lunch we saw a few gremlins appear, that slowed progress. Nevertheless, as the afternoon progressed, there were less and less cars, so the opportunity for some really clear and hopefully fast laps…data to be analysed....and shared if legendary!
From what we can tell, the car has performed really well compared to last years qualifying times at Snett, and so bodes well for 2 weeks time, when Al enters his first Kit car race at Snett on the Sunday 16th March.
Big thanks to the team for making the day such a success, especially given that the feedback I was giving on the changes to car set-up were the complete opposite of expectation!!!
Special thanks to JB for bringing his Swedish mate ovlov to Snett, without whom life would have been impossible!
Oh, I couldn't possibly forget to mention our new livery, check the stickers (and my cheeky race number) in the attached photo links - great job on the sticker design and attachment - they look great.
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