Wednesday 30 April 2008

Tyred? – you will be...

So, there seemed nothing better to do on an April Tuesday than a cheeky trackday at Cadwell Park Long Circuit. So with that, JB & Al set off from Uncle Mike’s at 1930 on Monday evening - destination Cadwell Park, with the plan to collect Des from Peterborough on route. Did we mention tyres? Well, between the towcar, racecar, trailer & spares (some for each) we had a total of 23 tyres….On arrival at Peterborough, it became apparent that we had only 21 tyres….somewhat of a problem, esp given that the two that were missing were brand new unused Yokohamas. Despite a relatively thorough search of the recently travelled roads, they were nowhere to be seen and we soon concluded that we had to accept that they were lost and not going to be retrieved. I felt particularly gutted to know that a simple change in strapping strategy would have kept them firmly in place, oh well, mistake learnt, not to be repeated again. And – Arse.

Anyway, after that little misdemeanour and successful collection of the Des, we were soon at Cadwell, and nestled in our chic tent and ready for sleep by about 0030. Morning was soon upon us, would you believe that some *!$*£s with whipper snippers were out strimming the verges at sometime before 6am – rudely interrupting what had been a very nice and welcome kip. So, with that the team sprang into action, well actually clambered out and begrudgingly woke up!! We were blessed with a real Lincolnshire treat, the weather was fantastic, bright sunshine and clear skys. First thing was a noise test which proved to be a bit of a challenge with an initial reading of 111dB. It’s amazing how the engine noise changes once warmed….

Morning testing went well, Des and JB made many changes to the car, but would not tell me anything, they only requested feedback on improvement or otherwise. By the end of the morning, the car was performing well compared with last years race times, but still had room for improvement in terms of handling – it still lacked front end grip - it’s overriding tendancy was mid corner understeer. Must make a mention here for Dave Smith, a good friend of mine who lives not far from Cadwell, little did Dave know that he would be roped in to general jobs helping to keep the car running. Thanks Dave for all your help – top work and great to see you!

Briefest of stops for lunch, then back out again.

The lads made what they told me was a significant change, and that I should approach with care. Eek, they still wouldn’t tell me, so off I went a little more cautious than before. The change was a real improvement, some might say “Night and Day”!! The front end grip was better…I later found out that the front springs had been changed, and were now a lot softer. Soon afterwards, we went softer on the rear too, and the car was now a handling legend. After a few laps settling in, I was able to get a clear lap and put in a lap time to contend with the Kit Car class C record. Things bode well!!

The remainder of the afternoon was spent making some smaller changes, which left plenty of time for good solid track time. By the end of the day, the car is pretty damn perfect, very able to adjust throttle and/or steering mid corner without concern. I can’t quite describe how well the car now handles, but can liken it to our Locost’ handling that took some 4 years to perfect, and of course with Kermit all the action happens a lot faster thanks to a more powerful engine and grippier tyres. It is now a handling masterpiece….

Huge thanks to Des and JB for taking time out to come help (ala run, organise, manage) the track day for me, leaving me to turn the wheel and squirt the throttle pedal. Roll on Sunday 11th May, when I will be racing at Cadwell proper stylee…. Big Al out

P.s. Check Dave's video collage here "link to Dave's collage video"

P.p.s Check dave's photos here


Dave said...

Peachy day out, cheers guys. I feel fully prepared to be "Mr Fuel-er" in the future :-)

The full 39Mb version of the video is in the mail to Visteon !

Big Al said...

Dave the Rave...what a geeser, diamond bloke!! Thanks for all the vids and photies, that should keep us going through those long winter nights!!!! See you at Raceday with a bit of luck!!