Sunday 16 March 2008

Stormy Snetterton – Sunday 16th March

Varying weather reports through the week, had kept us guessing about what the 1st race day might bring…it’s been changing from sunshine, to wind, to rain, and back to sunshine again.

In terms of preparation, there have been a huge number of man hours thrown at the car since the last event (trackday on 1st March, only 2 weeks ago). The engine and gearbox have been out, gearbox rebuilt (thanks to Dave at Thames Transmissions), the front suspension has been stripped and fatigued parts replaced along with new bushes fitted, transponder has been fitted, headrest fabricated and fitted, the list is endless. On top of jobs relating to Kermit the Kitcar (or Mike Wizowsky as the northerner famous for allocating nicknames calls him), the trailer has needed work too, a new spare wheel, a puncture…..

Anywhoo, the team finally snuck into bed about midnight on Saturday, in preparation for a rude 5am alarm. Arriving at Snett on time, at a cool 0730, we pitched the new team tent – something of a challenge in the Force 5-6 gusting winds and rain and unpacked. Kermit flew through 0820 scrutineering, Des re-fueled the team with a healthy bacon and egg buttie, and things were looking good and ready to go for practice at 0915.

A phone call from Jo (Wife) to say that she, along with son Oliver would be leaving for Snetterton shortly with the aim of arriving for the race after lunch. Oliver, having obviously decided to cause some havoc had hidden Jo’s car and house keys, so that Jo had no option but to pass all her stuff for the day through the front window to friends, Mel, Lorraine and Liz and then having to climb out of the window as her only available exit!!! All the girls and Oliver arrived at Snetterton shortly after NCT friends Michael, Anthea and Elliott also arrived for the day’s activities.

So to the racing, well actually there wasn’t any. There was so much water at the bombhole, that it was deemed unsafe. Boo-hoo, so we all packed up, found ourselves a very nice and relaxed pub & traditional sunday lunch and then trundled all the way back to Essex, and the car didn’t turn a wheel in anger…

Roll on the 27th March for Uncle Mike’s track day at.....Snetterton (we're praying for better weather)...

Thanks to all that came along to support, and sorry for the poor track drainage at Snett is the first time for us in 7 years of racing that an event has been cancelled due to weather, so hopefully no more cancellations for another 7 yrs.

Anyway, off to bed now, Al

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